How to heal brain injury using placebo effects in hindi

Friends, what will happen if the illness is healed by your thinking? Without any medication? Yes, friends, let's talk about a concept t...

Top 10 Most Haunted Railway Stations in The World

Railway is the place that most people choose to commit suicide. These people, troubled by life, cut their lives on their tracks with their...

Why We Celebrate Valentine's Day Every Year In Hindi | Technical Javed

Valentine's Day will celebrate all of you but do you know why Valentine's Day is celebrated? Today, young people and older people ...

20 Unknown Bruce Lee Facts In Hindi Video

Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940, in the city of Lee Hoi Chuen and Mother Grace Ho in San Francisco, California. Bruce Lee's fa...

30 Most Amazing Facts About France In Hindi Video - Technical Javed

Every country has its own separate laws and different things are interesting. Today we are going to tell you interesting facts about the co...

15 Strange Facts of Dubai Country - Technical Javed

If you want to know about the interesting fact of Dubai, then you are in the right place because today I am going to tell you such Shocking...

11 Interesting Facts About Israel In Hindi Video - Technical Javed

ISIS, who shakes the whole world, is frightened from Israel, what is there in Israel, which is the biggest country in the world and the dr...