11 Interesting Facts About Israel In Hindi Video - Technical Javed

ISIS, who shakes the whole world, is frightened from Israel, what is there in Israel, which is the biggest country in the world and the dreaded terrorist organization feared by it too? All these questions know the answers in this post:

Israel is a country surrounded by enemies from all sides, but if you look at it by looking at it, then you have the power to scrape the eyes Israeli is a small country whose population is around 80 million, but 56 Muslim people with a population of more than 150 million are afraid of Israel. Country whose map you see, surrounded by Muslim countries around, yet no Muslim country, or ISIS, can not afford the Israelis. After all, ISIS is also afraid of Israel's ISIS. Let's explain what is Israel's strength.

Interesting facts about Israel and Mossad in Hindi:

1. Half of Michigan Lake

Israel is also only 1 percent of the 1/6 portion of the Middle East's land. Israel's population is equal to half of New York's population. And half of Michigan Lake in the case of the plot.

2. Fourth Air Force in the World

The Israeli Air Force is the fourth largest air force in the world. Only America, Russia and China are ahead of them. There are 250 F-16 fighter planes in the Israeli air fleet, which are not only capable of responding to any attack, but also have the ability to defeat any enemy in the moment. In many wars, the world has watched them.

3. Equipped with Anti Ballistic Missile Defense System

is the only country in the world that is equipped with the entire anti-ballistic missile defense system. Rocket rocking in any part of Israel means death. Every missile towards goes on the way.

4. Your satellite system

In the Israeli world, it is included in 9 countries with its own satellite system. Using which he drives the drone. PM does not share its satellite system with anyone.

5. Gorilla wakes up from war ISIS

Investigative journalist (Jurgen Tuden Hofer) has said that ISIS terrorists are not afraid to fight American and British soldiers. He believes that battered Americans and British soldiers in the ISIS ground battle does not consider it a big deal, but with the military command of Israel, Gorilla does not say easy to fight.

6. Real threat to ISIS: Israeli commandos

Israeli commandos are the real threat to ISIS, and hence ISIS has not yet seen the Israeli capital, Jerusalem, so far. Although the ISIS Khalifa Baghdadi consider and the Jews to be their biggest enemies. With this, they also talk of an attack on Israel in their propaganda. But in the strategy till now, Baghdadi has not attacked any Israeli attack.
7. ISIS considers Israel to be enemy

ISIS has terrorized the entire Arab world, is massacring people, but has not even opened a bullet to Israel, while this Country is the neighbor country of Syria, not even a single Israeli citizen has touched, because they Know where wanders a bit, then missiles will be stained or the Israeli army will climb.

8. This style of Israel has not been created

When the Jewish people had escaped from Hitler's life and had made it, the Muslims of Arabia attacked Israel for the first time in 1948, at that time only Israel had to be made; it did not have any large army or ammunition, but Yet  defeated Arab in 1948, and since then Arab countries have fought for Israel six times and defeated Muslim countries every time. If you talk about statistics, since 1948, 22,000 Israeli soldiers have been martyred in the Arab-Israeli wars, and more than 91,000 Muslims in the Muslim countries.

9. Israel's Strengths

Israel does not attack itself, just if someone teases him, then Israel does not leave it. There is so much fear of Mossad of Israel that fear of Mossad cannot be seen by the head of any terrorist organization or leader of any Muslim country, raising an eye on Israel. Jihadi elements in the Munich Olympics had killed Israeli players in Germany, and they were jihadist elements hidden in a Muslim country, whose number was in hundreds, 30 of Mossad, who entered the Muslim country and killed those jihadis. Only a young soldier of Mosaad of Israel had died

10. What is 'Mossad'

Mossad means death. Once that which was seen through the eyes of Mossad, it is difficult to escape. The dreaded agent of Mossad is capable of finding him from any corner of the world. That is why this Israeli intelligence agency is called the world's most dangerous agency. Access to Mossad is in a place where any conspiracy is being hatred against Israeli or Israeli citizens. The history of Mossad is 63 years old. Mosaic's headquarter Israel's oil is in the city of Aviv. Mossad, the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, Israel's National Intelligence Agency.

11. One of the world's fourth-largest armies

The Israeli army is one of the world's fourth-largest armies. At the same time, special training is also given to the police personnel. Along with this, the security system of Israel is also very strong and accurate. Israel condemns terrorism and is also striving for its destruction, most notably one of the seven special mantras that the Israeli army follows. Dealing with such a strong strategy in the war is the least harm.

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